Cyber Security

Protecting data, privacy and reputation

Prepare. Respond. Recover.

Cyber attacks and data breaches are one of the biggest risks facing Canadian organizations. The average cost of a data breach is nearly $4 million (IBM Cost of a data breach, 2020). That’s only the cost on the surface given the potential damage afflicted on a company’s reputation. A strong communications approach is imperative to maintaining customer, employee and stakeholder trust.

At FHR we’re here to help.

A cyber incident that puts customer data and privacy at risk is not the time to learn on the job. We have experienced team members that can help during a privacy breach.

Our Cyber Response team can help communications leaders, executives and corporate boards to be prepared, manage a breach response and put your business on the path to recovery.

Plan Ahead

Need help preparing a plan for cyber communications?

Respond Right

Need help managing your response to an active cyber breach?

Contact Us

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